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Google Maps API Key

You must have a Google Maps Javascript API key to use mapping features in the following tools and applications:

Before you start, make sure you can access the Google Cloud console: https://console.cloud.google.com/google/maps-apis/

Note: You must have a Billing Account to use API keys. There is an Always Free Tier and you won't be changed unless you upgrade. This tier is essentially a monthly credit from Google. You'll need to provide a credit card to cover any possible charges over the credit amount. Mapping data points does not incur a cost.

Need Help?

Review the Getting Started guide (devleopers.google.com) for additional help in completing the following steps. And check out the following resources from Google:

Enable the APIs

You'll need to enable all of the following APIs in the API Library of the Google Cloud console. To do so, select each one and click Enable. If you don't enable these APIs, your maps won't render.
  • Maps Embed API
  • Maps Javascript API
  • Maps Static API
  • Places API or Places API (New)
    Note: If you see the option for Places API (New) in your list, select it. Otherwise, select Places API.

Configure Key for Platform URL

  1. Click the API Key on the Credentials page.
  2. Under Application Restrictions, click HTTP Referrers (web sites).
  3. Under Accept requests from these http referrers (web sites), enter your MinistryPlatform URL.

Your Platform URL will look like this, where "{domain-url}" is the URL for your MinistryPlatform instance: https://{domain-url}/*

Configure Key for Two Cloud URLs

  1. Click the API Key on the Credentials page.
  2. Under Application Restrictions, click HTTP Referrers (web sites).
  3. Under Accept requests from these http referrers (web sites), enter your Cloud URL.
    1. To find your Cloud URL, see Find your Cloud URL for Cloud Tools & Batch Manager and Find Your Cloud URL for Life Apps & Template Editor.
    2. Add "/*" to the end of your URL.

Your Platform & Widgets Cloud URL will look like this: https://{churchname}.ministryplatform.cloud/*.

Your Tools & LifeApps Cloud URL will look like this: https://{churchname}.cloudapps.ministryplatform.cloud/*

Configure Key for Widgets URL

Note: Diocesan SPoCs: You must allow domains for each of your parishes for some widgets to work correctly.
  1. Click the API Key on the Credentials page.
  2. Under Application Restrictions, click HTTP Referrers (web sites).
  3. Under Accept requests from these http referrers (web sites), enter your Widgets URL.
    1. Your Widgets URL is the webpage (most likely on your church website) where you embedded the widgets you use.
    2. Add "/*" to the end of your URL.

Add Key to the Configuration Setting

  1. Copy your Google Maps API Key from the Google Cloud console.
In the Platform:
  1. In the navigation menu, click Administration > Configuration Settings.
  2. Find COMMON, GoogleMapsAPIKey.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Paste your Google Maps API Key into the Value field.
    Tip: Be sure that there are no spaces before or after your API key.
  5. Click Save.

Add Key to Your Domain

  1. Copy your Google Maps API Key from the Google Cloud console.
In the Platform:
  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Domains/Accounts.In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Domains/Accounts.
  2. Open the Domain record.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Locate Google Maps API Key, and paste the value into that field.
  5. Click Save.

Google Maps API Key Troubleshooting

After you get your Maps API key and configure the Platform, if widgets don't update based on changes to your API key, you may need to recycle your Widget application pool.

Contact Support for help.