Page Permissions
- Pages display in alphabetical order.
- Click the arrow to the left of a Page name to view its Sub-pages. Sub-pages display in alphabetical order under their Page.
- While the list of Pages and Sub-pages is long, the header showing permissions freezes so you can scroll through the list.
- To search for a specific Page or Sub-page, type its name into the search box and hit return. Note: The search box returns the Page that matches the name you searched for. It also shows Sub-pages with that name and the Sub-page's parent page. It will not show other Sub-pages.
- Tap the image to the right of the search box to show only permissions associated with the Security Role. This is helpful to hunt down those smaller security roles.
- Granted permissions are shaded so you can find them quickly.
- The row you're on is highlighted so you can easily find your place.
Users can view and open records on any Page for which they have Read rights from at least one Security Role. A Folder shows in the main menu if a user has Read permissions to at least one Page in the section.
Users can edit records on any Page for which they have Edit rights from at least one Security Role. This includes the ability to create new records. The New button displays on the main toolbar. If enabled on the Page, the Copy button also displays. If needed, you can remove the New button from the page using the Suppress New Button on the Page record.
Users can bulk update records on any Page for which they have Assign rights from at least one Security Role. The Assign button displays in the action menu. This also includes updating details for a series, like recurring Events.
Users can bulk delete records on any Page for which they have Full rights from at least one Security Role. If needed, you can remove the New button from the Page using the Suppress New Button on the Page record.
- For Pages, the Delete button displays in the action menu.
- Sub-pages have special considerations based on the Relation Type. See the different Relation Types for details.
Explicitly Secured Actions
For other permissions (Export, Attach, and Secure), see Explicitly Secured Actions.