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Security Roles

Security Roles store permissions and restrictions, and you can apply them to users. A user's permissions (or rights) are based on the cumulative effect of their Security Roles. To view and edit Security Roles, go to Administration > Security Roles.

  • By default, the ability to delete a Security Role entirely from MinistryPlatform is hidden from all users. To remove a one or more security roles from a user, select that record on the User Security Roles page and delete those records - not the Security Role itself.
  • To find out what rights a Security Role allows on each page, open the role and review what the role grants.
  • The User Rights & Restrictions read-only page provides a comprehensive list of available access and/or restrictions for all users with at least one Security Role.
  • Administrators can merge two Security Roles using the Combine Security Roles Tool.
  • There are many default Security Roles included in the deployment of MinistryPlatform.
Tip: Want to see how security roles work in the Platform? Check out the Security Roles webinar in the MinistrySmart Academy!


Think through how your organization interacts with your data and develop a plan for Security Roles. It may be helpful to focus user rights on Pages. Thus, there are roles for specific Pages, Tools, or Reports, rather than roles for specific jobs or types of staff at your church.

Once you develop the roles, think of them as building blocks that "stack" together to create user rights for a specific job. For example, make a selection of roles such as staff basic rights, data entry, and contribution oversight, and then save that selection as a Contributions employee.

Note: You should name any roles you create for what the role does rather than the type of staff member you assign it to.
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