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The Page Record

A list of fields you'll find on a Page record and their definitions.

The following fields are available in System Setup > Pages.

Display Name
The name that displays in the main menu in MinistryPlatform.
Singular Name
The singular version of the display name. This displays on the record form header and as the label for foreign keys associated with records on this page.
A friendly description. This is what displays in the "tool tip" when hovering over the navigation item.
View Order
The order of this page in the section list.
Table Name
The name of the table object in SQL Server that contains data for this page.
Primary Key
The integer column in the table that is set as the identity primary key.
Default Field List
A comma-delimited list of fields that display in the All Records grid view of the page and are available as merge fields in new messages.

These may include:

  • Fields from this page's table.
  • Fields from related page tables using the Table Lookup Convention ("_Table").
  • Calculated field expressions (valid SQL expression representing a single field).
  • Field tokens.
Selected Record Expression
Throughout the Platform, each record is presented by a text value produced by a SQL expression. This field specifies the SQL expression which describes a single record on this page. This is used to generate a friendly name for records when one or more columns are associated with other pages (tables). If more than one field is used as the record expression, concatenate the field names. The size limit for a Selected Record Expression is 255 characters. For example, when addresses are displayed on other pages, the street, city, state, and zip code are all concatenated to produce a full address from the separate values in the record.

The generated expression is used in the following places:

  • The record title, when viewing a record in the Platform.
  • Drop-down lists referring to this page from other pages.
  • The Attached To column in My Tasks.
  • In place of a record in the Advanced Search Tool when a user does not have access to the page.

The SQL Expression must be a single valid expression:

  • Table Lookup Convention is supported.
  • Values must be concatenated using the plus operator (+).
  • Non-text values must be cast to text (varchar or nvarchar) using CAST or CONVERT.
    CAUTION: Fully test and monitor any changes made to the Selected Record Expression field. If a MinistryPlatform process stops working or throws errors, change the expression back. Also, if the expression is too long (more than 255 characters) on pages that have a MinistryPlatform process, it may cause unusual errors in the Platform or stop a MinistryPlatform process from working completely.
Filter Clause
SQL that is part of the WHERE clause that returns data to the page. This field applies to all views and all users. Leave this blank for main pages. This is primarily used for filtered pages. No table should have more than two pages without a filter clause.
Note: There should always be an unfiltered version for each table. The API uses the unfiltered version. All other pages that access the table should be filtered.
Start Date Field
The column that holds the starting DateTime value for a record that is used by (and is necessary for) the calendar view and the recurrence copy dialog.
End Date Field
The column that holds the ending DateTime value for a record that is used by the calendar view and the recurrence copy dialog.
Contact ID Field
The field in the table that leads back to the Contact record associated with this record. Existing reports and tools use this field. You can find the Contact_ID several tables removed using foreign keys and the Table Lookup Convention ("_table"). A value here enables the contact card for this page and includes the page in Select Message Recipients.
Default View
A page view created for this page. If left blank, the All Records view is used.
Pick List View
A page view record that filters any drop-down lists that select from this page. This is also the default view in the pick list. For example, set this to Users With Security Roles in the Users page to limit the default lists in other pages where users are selected, such as My Tasks. This must be a view explicitly associated with this page in the view itself.
Image Name
Each page can have a customized icon for display in the MinistryPlatform menu bar (nouns). For example, the Milestones page can have an icon of a birthday cake or the Payments page can have an icon of a credit card.
Direct Delete Only
Set to Yes to ensure only those with full rights to this page can delete records from this page. This prevents cascading deletes from associated records. At times and when using certain applications, it is helpful to set this to No so people can delete from related pages. If this is set to No, ensure you set security rights to account for this.
System Name
A field used internally by the Platform. Not for use by third parties. Ensure that this is not a duplicate value to any other page.
Date Pivot Field
A field on the table or a related table, generally text, that is used by the timeline view for Group records.
Custom Form Name
A field used internally by the Platform. Not for use by third parties.
Display Copy
If set to Yes, users with edit rights to this page can copy records on this page.
Note: The Display Copy field is set to No by default on the Donation and Donation Distribution tabs so that when you copy a parent page (for example, Event, Program, and so on), you don't create duplicate Donation records. Only a SPoC with full understanding of mistakenly duplicating Donation should change this value. To copy Donations that actually need to be copied, use the Copy Batch Tool or Copy Selected Donations report.
Suppress New Button
If set to Yes, people with full or any rights to this page can't create records using the New page action. This field is initially set to No for all pages other than Contacts.
Global Filter ID FIeld
The fully qualified (table.column) name of the field the Global Filter should assess.
In Global Search
If set to Yes, this page is included in Global Search results, and this page will display in drop-down menu of the New Message Tool.
thumb_upYes thumb_downNo