Default Roles
- MinistryPlatform comes loaded with Security Roles you can use immediately. You can use these on their own, edit them to your liking (unless noted below), copy them to get a head start on making new ones, or create your own from scratch.
- For example, if someone needs access to two separate areas (Payments/Products and Processes), consider creating multiple roles that each handle a specific area of MinistryPlatform. This way, you may be able to reuse the same role for multiple people, rather than create a new role for every person and scenario. Here are some examples:
- A "Process Manager" may have rights to edit Processes, Steps, and so on.
- A "Mission Trip Manager" may have rights to edit Events, Pledge Campaigns, and Pledges.
Important: Do not delete or rename default Security Roles that come preloaded in your system. Sometimes our code depends on the Security Role Name. Deleting or changing the name can result in errors.
Default Role Descriptions
- Administrators
- System Generated Administrator Role, the role given to all new reports and tools when you perform updates. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 1,000. Ensure a minimum Mass Email Quota of 50, as this role sends certain emails in the system. Warning: Do not delete or edit this role!
- Background Check Management
- Full rights to the Background Checks page and Background Checks report.
- Basic Reports
- Allows access to reports that everyone can and should be able to use. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 10.
- Batch Manager Administrators
- Allows user to see, edit, and finalized all un-finalized Batches. Warning: Do not delete or edit the name of this role as it is used by the Batch Manager.
- Batch Manager Operators
- Allows user to only see, edit, and finalize un-finalized Batches that they created or are assigned to (including Batches that have not been assigned to anyone). Warning: Do not delete or edit the name of this role as it is used by the Batch Manager.
- Care & Needs Team
- Those who assist with Care & Needs. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 50.
- Care Life Case Administrator
- Full rights to all Care Cases in Care Life. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by the Care Life application.
- Care Life Case Manager
- Identifies authorized Case Managers in Care Life. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by the Care Life application.
- Care Life Case Viewer
- Identifies authorized Case Viewers in Care Life. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by the Care Life application.
- Check-In System Configurators
- Full access to all areas of Check-In Suite.
- Check-In Administrators
- Full access to all areas of Check-In Suite EXCEPT Themes and Labels. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by Check-In Suite.
- Check-In Attended
- Allows access to only the Check-In Kiosk area of Check-In Suite. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by Check-In Suite.
- Check-In Classrooms
- Limited access to only the Classroom Manager area of Check-In Suite. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by Check-In Suite.
- Check in Unattended
- Limited access to only the Check-In Kiosk area of Check-In Suite. Warning: Do not edit the name of this role as it is used by Check-In Suite.
- Communications Team
- Allows access to Publications, Subscriptions, Messages, Recipients, and Templates, as well as the New Message Tool and any reports related to Messages, Publications, and mail merge. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 5,000.
- Database Team
- Those who are trained to manage the database. Allows View rights to everything except Background Checks, Care Cases, and Contributions. Edit and Mass Assign rights to many pages. Access to most tools, including Combine Contacts and Deceased Person. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 500.
- Event Registration Manager
- Edit rights to all Event Registration pieces, products, invoices, payments, custom forms, and events.
- Facilities Team
- Edit rights to all Event and Facilities data, and allows the user to run related reports. Mass Assign rights on Room Reservations, Service Reservations, Equipment Reservations, Rooms, Equipment, and Services. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 10.
- Ministry/Pastor/Director
- View rights to a lot of information related to the over-all ministry structure, including leadership-level reports. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 10.
- Mission Trip Team
- Edit rights for Mission Trips, Mission Trip Pledges, Pledges, and Pledge Campaigns. Can view donations to trips, and add pledges. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 100.
- MyCallsPortalPage
- Allows use of the My Calls page on the Portal to accept, review, and log calls for the church. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 1.
- PocketPlatform Admin
- Full access to PocketPlatform as an administrator.
- PocketPlatform API
- Full access to manage the PocketPlatform API.
- Portal Content Manager
- Allows user to create new pages on the Portal with simple HTML.
- Staff/Employee
- Ensures user can perform basic edits for Contact, Participant, and Household records, as well as view basic information about groups. Edit rights for Contact Logs and Responses. Warning: Do not edit this role as any edits affect ALL Platform users. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 50.
- Stewardship Team
- Those who can process batches and manage donors. Edit rights to all contribution pages, and full rights to some contribution pages. By default, this role has a Mass Email Quota of 50.
- Volunteer/Lay Leader
- View-only access to Contact and Participant records and their key sub-pages. Does not allow the user to send Messages.