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Field Management

With Field Management, the power is in your hands to make Platform fields work for your needs.

MinistryPlatform is all about helping you do your church your way! Removing unnecessary fields and eliminating "noise" on the page can help your staff focus on what's important to your church. Using Field Management, you can make records uniquely yours and choose which fields to hide, require, or reorder based on your church's preference.

Note: Field Management handles existing fields. If you need a new field added to the Platform, your SQL Administrator can add a custom field or you can contact Professional Services for assistance with custom fields.

To customize fields, you'll need edit rights to System Setup > Field Management. This affects all of your users, so you must be strategic. We strongly encourage you work with a coach when hiding, requiring, or adding default values to avoid unintended consequences.

  • Field Management is one-size-fits-all-of-your-users. It is not dependent on security roles. So if you hide a field, it is hidden from everyone (even you).
  • If you need to hide a field from some but not all users, consider a Field Level Restriction instead.
  • Every field can have its own Field Management record, so add as many as you need.
Important: Field Management rules are designed to apply to new records that you create in the Platform. Records pulled from PocketPlatform, other services, and third-party applications may behave differently.


When you add a new Field Management record, here's what you'll see.

Example of a blank Field Management record

The page associated with the field you'd like to manage.
Note: This applies to an entire page, not specific records.
Field Name
This is the field you're going to manage. Make sure you enter the actual column name as it exists in the schema. For example, if you want to manage the Opportunity Title field, enter "Opportunity_Title". Be aware that "_ID" is sometimes dropped from a field name, especially when the field is a drop-down menu. For example, if you want to manage the Occupation field, you would enter "Occupation_ID".
Tip: You can check Views (Advanced Search Tool), your schema, or contact Support if you need help determining the correct field name to use. Also see Table Lookup Convention for a deeper understanding..
Group Name
The container "box" the field should display in (for example, the General box on the Field Management record). If null, the field displays in the General box. Don't see the group you want the field to display in? No problem! The first time you enter a name in the Group Name field, that box is created, and your field is added to it. New groups display in alphabetical order below the General box.
Note: Currently, you can't delete or move a group separator. So even if you remove all of the fields in a group, the separator line and title still display. However, you can hide separators. To do this, add a Field Management record for each separator with Hidden set to Yes.
View Order
The order fields display in within their group. Field positions count across from left to right and then down.
  • If you assign an order to some but not all fields in a group, they display in chronological order. Null fields are treated as "0" and display first.
  • Fields with the same View Order value list in alphabetical order.
    Note: You can't reorder fields in the General box.
Default is No. Select Yes to make this field required. We strongly suggest using caution when making fields required.
Note: You can make any previously un-required field required. But setting Required to No on a required field does not make it un-required. Basically, you can add to the fields the Platform requires, but you cannot take any away.
Select Yes to hide the field. Default is No. Hidden fields are only hidden in an open record. They are available in the Advanced Search tool, and you can still use them to build a view.
Warning: You can't hide a field that is a Record Fact. If you do, you'll get a warning and will either need to remove the field from your Record Fact View or change the Field Management record to set Hidden to No.
Default Value
Enter the default value that works for your church. The default value needs to match the type of field you entered for Field Name:
  • A Text field should have a text default value.
  • A Bit field should have a "0" or "1" default value.
  • A Lookup field should have an ID default value (for example, Congregation_ID number for a default Congregation value).
Note: This only applies to records created at the Platform level. For example, records created using a routine would not adhere to a default value set in a Field Management record.
Filter Clause
Leave blank or add a condition if you filter a drop-down list.
Depends On Field
If you want the value of the record ID field you're managing to clear out when you update another field, you can enter that other field name as the Depends On Field. For example, on the Event Metrics page, the Group_ID field should be cleared if you change the Event_ID field value. So, in the record for Field Name Group_ID, you could enter Event_ID for Depends On Field.
Filter Label
The Name displays for this field in an open record.
Note: Field Management is field-specific. So if you want to change a field label display on more than one page and/or subpage, you must create a new Field Management rule for every time that field displays in the Platform. It might still be something you want to do, but choose wisely.
Writing Assistant Enabled
Determines whether the Writing Assistant displays when you edit this field. We recommend limiting this to larger text fields where you may need additional writing assistance, like description fields.
Note: The Platform comes preloaded with multiple Field Management records that hide fields no longer used in development (for example, Current School). Still use one of these fields? No problem! Delete the Field Management record. Because we love customization, you can edit existing record facts and create new ones!

Required Field Considerations

We've all been there - that missing piece of information would be so great to have. Making that field required seems like the answer. And it might be! But there are some things to consider before setting Required to Yes.

  • The Platform comes with required fields and you cannot make those fields un-required. But you can make previously un-required fields required.
  • A required field is a required field for all. Make sure your casual users can provide the required information.
  • Required fields are only enforced through the Platform. Your integrations may not require the same fields. So, if you make the Middle Name field required and your integration does not require a middle name, your users receive a validation warning every time they edit or copy a record created by that integration.
  • Think twice before making a field both required and hidden. It's really hard to fill out a required field you can't see. If you make a required field hidden and it doesn't have a Default Value, it remains visible. Just have to hide that required field? Include a Default Value.
Tip: If you make a field required, consider using Mass Assign to populate values for all existing records. If a field is required and not populated, you must populate it when you edit any record on that page. And you must populate all required fields before you attempt to copy a record. If fields are required, but not populated when you copy or save a record, you receive a validation warning.

Manage a Field

  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Field Management.
  2. Click New Field Management.
  3. Select the Page associated with the field (usually, this is where the field displays).
  4. Enter the proper Field Name. See Table Lookup Convention for help understanding how to get the field name you're looking for.
  5. Make any other selections based on the field you want to manage. See Fields for more on what you can do.
  6. Click Save.
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