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Filtered Drop-Down Lists

The Platform is customizable to help you do church your way. You can filter your drop-down lists depending on other fields to set your casual users up for success. For example, limit the Group Role drop-down list on the Participation Requirements page to Group Roles with the selected Group Role Type.

Tip: Want to filter a drop-down list, but not based on a field? You can do that! Read about the Page Record and create the Pick List View that works for you!
  • You can filter drop-down lists if they are dependent on a condition. This streamlines the processes by only displaying relevant options.
  • Apply one filter per drop-down list.
  • While the drop-down list is limited, every option is available. You can use the picker and switch the view to All Records to select any valid value.
  • Bonus: You can layer a filtered drop-down list with the Page's pick-list view to create a truly custom experience.

The page the drop-down list is on. This is specific to the page, not the record.
Field Name
A Field on the Page identified in the Page field. This needs to be a drop-down field (lookup Field).
  • Enter the actual, proper field name here. See Table Lookup Convention for additional information.
  • Enter the field name like this, for example: Occupation = Occupation_ID
Filter Clause
A valid SQL WHERE statement defining when to apply the filter. Curly brackets at the end of the SQL clause identify a field on a specified page.
Note: This value comes from the Page where the drop-down list options are stored, not the page with the drop-down list you're filtering.
Depends on Field
The field that, when changed, changes the options that display in the drop-down list. For example, changing the Group Role Type field on the Participation requirements page changes the options available in the Group Role drop-down list.
  • If the drop-down list options depend on anything, enter that Page ID here.
    • In our Participation Requirements example, enter the Group Role Types Page ID here, because the drop-down list filters based on the Group Role Type you selected.
    • Group_Role_Type_ID
  • If the drop-down list options do not depend on anything, enter the Page ID of the Page identified in the Page field here.
    • For example, to limit the Standard Statement drop-down list on the Accounting Companies page, enter the Accounting Companies Page, because the drop-down list is limited to the Standard Statement no matter what other values are selected.
    • Accounting_Company_ID
  • This value is required to set up a filtered drop-down list. It is not required for other types of Field Management.

Filtered Drop-Down List Defaults

These drop-down list filters are included at deployment. Don't be afraid to add your own filters to make ministry easier for your church. These filtered lists apply whether they are on a page or sub-page.

  • Accounting Companies: Filters the Statement drop-down list to show the Donor Standard Statement.
  • All Form Fields: Filters the Depends On drop-down list to fields on the selected Custom Form.
  • All Steps: Filters the Escalate to Step drop-down list to steps in the selected Process.
  • Event Participants: Filters the Group Participant drop-down list to Group Participants associated with the selected Event Participant. No more guessing which Bob Smith is the correct Bob Smith!
  • Events: Filter the Programs drop-down list to Programs associated with the selected Congregation.
  • Household Care Log: Filters the Household drop-down list to Households associated with the selected Care Case.
  • Needs: Filters the Providers drop-down list to Providers approved to provide the selected Need Type.
  • Participation Requirements: Filters the Group Role drop-down list to Group Roles with the selected Group Role Type.
  • Room Reservations: Filters the Room drop-down list to Rooms associated with the selected Events Campus.

Add a Filter Clause

Use the Advanced Search Tool to get this SQL value.

  1. Go to the page where the drop-down list options are stored (in our example, the Group Role Types page).
  2. Open the Advanced Search Tool and select the files want to filter by.
  3. Switch to SQL Layout.
  4. Copy and paste the SQL.

Set Up a Filtered Drop-Down List

We'll include some filtered drop-down lists on deployment, but you can set up your own to suit your church.

  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Field Management.
  2. Click New Field Management.
  3. Make your selections.
  4. Click Save.

Did you come up with a creative way to filter a drop-down list? Share it with the MinistryPlatform Community and inspire other churches!