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Default Processes

MinistryPlatform comes with several Processes you might find useful. If needed, a SPoC can modify these to fit your church's needs.

Abandoned Invoice Clean Up

  • When you create an invoice with the Invoice Details & Payment Widget, the Process holds it for one hour. During this time, the associated Event Participant record has a Participation Status of Awaiting Payment.
  • One hour after you create the invoice, the system invokes a webhook to check whether the invoice was abandoned. If the invoice has not been paid, the process sets the Invoice Status to Cancelled with the reason Invoice Abandoned by Registrant, and marks the associated Event Participant records as Abandoned to release the spots for other registrants. The Group Participant record receives an end date as well. The system retains any associated Files, Form Response Answers, and Form Responses.
  • If you later receive payment, the Process updates the Invoice record as Some Paid or Paid in Full and marks the Event Participant record as Registered. The Group Participant record does not update, so you can remove the end date.
    Note: If you use OnlineGiving.org, by default, the Process holds invoices for three hours instead of one. To change this to another time limit, contact support@onlinegiving.org.
  • On or Off at installation: On
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Background Check Returned: Needs Review

  • When a Background Check returns, you must review it to determine if it is approved including an approval email sent to a Staff member.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Equipment Reservation

Event Approval

  • Provide approval for Events submitted by users.
  • On or Off at installation: On
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1
Note: We highly recommend you always leave this Process with Active set to Yes to ensure that events display as expected on the Portal.

Event Service Request

  • Provide approval for Service Requests related to Events.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1

Exceed Messaging Quota

Form Response Submitted

  • Notifies the Primary Contact with an email every time someone submits a Form Response on a Form where the Notify field is set to Yes.
Note: It's great to use the Form Response Process for non-event registration related forms, but we don't recommend it for event registration forms. If used for event registration forms, a person can complete the form, but not finish their event registration. If you track event registrations, use a view notification to show responses from the past 24 hours or seven days. You can then compare these responses to the registered Event Participants.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1

Future Contact Log Entry

  • Notify of need to contact someone and facilitate follow-up.
  • On or Off at installation: On
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Group Finder Sign-Up

  • When someone clicks Sign Up on the Group Finder.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Group Inquiry Follow-Up

  • Notify of Group inquiry and of need to follow-up.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 3

Group Suggested

  • Notify of Group suggested and provide approval.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Household Care

  • Notify of need for Household Care and facilitate follow-up.
  • On or Off at installation: On
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Maintenance Request

  • Notify of need for Maintenance help and facilitate follow-up.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 4

Ministry Updates

  • Notify of Ministry updates submitted.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Pending Pledge Approval

  • Notify of pending Pledges.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1
  • Before activating, edit the Process Manager and Process Step to assign the Task to the correct user to review pending Pledges.
  • When you mark the Task complete, the Pledge automatically updates to a status of Active.
  • Do not modify this Process Step from the type Assign a Task to Get Approval.

Purchase Request

  • Provide approval for purchase requests.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 4

Response Follow-Up

  • Notify of response to Opportunity and facilitate follow-up.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 2

Room Request

  • Provide approval for use of Room.
  • On or Off at installation: Off
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1

Statement Maintenance

  • Run stored Procedure to review unarchived statements, ensuring that database changes reflect correctly.
  • On or Off at installation: On
  • Initial number of Steps included: 1