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  • Equipment is a record for equipment available as part of an event.
  • Common Equipment may be chairs, tables, projectors, whiteboards, etc.
  • Equipment can be associated with various events.
  • Equipment records can be created/edited in Facilities > Equipment.
  • For Equipment that isn't tied to a specific Room, we recommend creating a "Mobile" Room and associate all your mobile Equipment with it.

Equipment Fields

  • Equipment Name: The friendly name for your Equipment.
  • Date Acquired: Date Equipment was acquired.
  • Equipment Type: The type of Equipment it is (chair, table, etc.), Equipment Type values can be edited in System Lookups.
  • Room: The Room associated with the Equipment, where the Equipment is available.
  • Model Name: Optional tracking of model information.
  • Serial Number: Optional tracking of the serial number.
  • Inventory Number: Optional tracking of the inventory number.
  • Bookable: Set to Yes if you want this Equipment available for Users to reserve.
  • Separately Insured: Optional tracking of insured status.
  • Purchase Price: Optional tracking of the purchase price.
  • Date Retired: Optional date for tracking end of use.
  • Equipment Coordinator: The staff or volunteer who oversees the use of the Equipment.
  • Auto Approve: Set to Yes if you want the reservation of the Service to skip any approval Process.
  • Quantity: The quantity of this piece of equipment that exists (e.g. there are 5 portable dry erase boards). This should be used for identical equipment to reduce duplicate Equipment records. This field is required.