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Background Checks

A brief overview on Background Checks in MinistryPlatform.

  • Some staff or volunteer roles require a Background Check as a part of the application and screening process. You can store Background Check information on these individuals in MinistryPlatform.
  • The Background Checks page is in the People Lists folder. Ensure only appropriate Users have a Background Check or Administrator role to view this information.
  • You can enable a default process to review a returned Background Check, determine if it's approved, and send an approval email to a staff member.
  • Different Background Check Types ("packages") might exist.
    • If you do not have an integration set up, or you added the Background Check manually from a workflow outside of MinistryPlatform, select Manual.
    • Add a value to the Expiring Soon Days field on the Background Check Types table to better serve volunteer managers using qualifications and requirements.
    • As a best practice, there should only be Background Checks in the Background Checks table. However, if you have historical non-background "checks" records on this page, you can set Is Background Check to No on their respective Background Check Type record so that Background Check routines ignores these specific records.
  • The latest Background Check details display on the Participant record. This makes it easier to search and create Views, and it limits the Users that can access the actual Background Check page.
  • To remove a Background Check for someone, delete their Background Check record. This does not affect their Contact or Participant record.
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