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Standard Statements

Standard Statements provide an exciting way to manage Statements that is accurate both up to the day and historically. How do we accomplish this? A combination of a nightly routine (providing day-to-day accuracy) and archiving (locking in historical accuracy), ensuring your Donor's Statements are accurate at all times. Donors can also view their Statements using the My Contribution Statements Widget. It's a win-win-win!

  • Statements live on their own dedicated Page that is accessible at any time.
  • Unarchived Statements are updated nightly.
  • Statements for previous years enter an archived state, which prevents changes and ensures historical accuracy.
  • Each batched Donation is now associated directly with a single Statement.
  • The all new, powerful, and flexible Donor Standard Statement Report is a single Report formatted according to preferences you set on the Accounting Company Record.
  • Authenticated Users can view their Statement with the My Contribution Statements Widget.
Note: Standard Statements are just that, "standard". If you'd like to see a change to the Standard Statement, add it as a suggestion to the Idea Board and whip up those votes. Standard Statements are not customizable through Professional Services.


Statement Record
Dedicated page for viewing and managing Statement settings.
Statement Donors
Dedicated subpage displaying Donor and Statement detail.
Standard Statement
The technology, configuration, and method of generating these Donor Statements.
Standard Statement Settings
New section of Accounting Company controlling Standard Statement archiving and reporting behavior.
Statement Maintenance Routine
Nightly routine that analyzes and updates various statement related information.
Statement Maintenance Required Process
Process that can be manually triggered when maintenance is required to update unarchived Statements.