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Connect Board

Use Need Connect to identify users with needs and users who can help provide assistance. Approved Providers can claim and complete Needs on the Connect Board. See the Quick Start for how to get started.

The Connect Board is available for approved Providers and requires authentication. To access the Connect Board, go to your Need Connect URL and log in or click the link from an automated email.

Open Needs

An approved Provider can log in to the Connect Board to see Needs that are not yet assigned and offer to help when the following criteria is met:

  • A Need Type associated Need Campaign record with Is Default is set to Yes.
  • Needs are assigned to them.
  • Needs available for assignment match the approved Need Type Provider they offered to provide.

You can't claim Needs with a Need Type of Other on the Connect Board. You must explicitly assign these Needs in the Platform. See Need Management.

Available Needs are:

  • Grouped by Need Type.
  • Sorted by age of the request (oldest first).
  • Displayed with Requester's First Name, Postal Code, and a Claim button.

The Connect Board refreshes every five seconds.