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Learn about Inquiry records in the Platform, including fields you'll encounter and what they mean, and information on managing inquiries.

  • A Group Inquiry record is an indication of interest in a specific group.
  • The Group Inquiries page is in the People Lists folder. You can find inquiries made to specific groups on the Inquiries tab (sub-page) of a Group record.
  • Group Inquiry records are automatically created when someone indicates interest in a group through the Group Finder or Group Details widget. See those help topics for more details.
  • You can manually create them in the Platform on the Group Inquiries page or the Inquiries tab of a Group record.

Inquiry Record Fields

The group the person expressed interest in.
The person who expressed interest.
Inquiry Date
The date the person expressed interest.
First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, Comments
Information provided by the person if they expressed interest through the Group Finder or Group Details widget.
A way for staff to indicate whether the person was placed in the group they inquired about. Setting this to Yes does not automatically add the person as a participant in the group.
Tip: Professional Services created a Ready Made Solution to automatically add placed inquiries as group participants, so check it out if you're interested!
From Group Finder
Displays as No.

Manage Inquiries

Assigned to Default Contact

When Group Finder creates Inquiry records, the Inquiry record might be assigned to default contact if the system couldn't match an existing Contact record. You should reassign these to real records. To do so, open the Inquiry record, click Edit, select the correct person in the Contact field, and click Save. If the person doesn't have a record in MinistryPlatform, create one using the Add/Edit Family Tool.

Leaders and Primary Contacts

A group's leaders and primary contacts receive a notification when someone submits an inquiry through the Group Finder or Group Details widget. (See those help topics for details on the processes behind notifications.) They can manage inquiries for their groups through My Groups or Group Life.

Note: The primary contact of the group's parent group can't do this. You can't manage inquiries created manually in the Platform in My Groups or Group Life. A group inquiry does not display on My Groups if an active group participant submitted it.


Staff who manage inquiries in the Platform can use the Placed field to track placements.

Remember: If you set Placed to Yes, you do not automatically add the person to the group. You must manually add them to the group unless you use Professional Service's Ready Made Solution for automatic group placement.

Count Towards Total

Any current group participant or open Group Inquiry records will count towards the total in the group and close the group (through a routine) if a target size is reached.

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