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Process Fields

A Process is a planned course of action that activates when certain conditions are met regarding one record on one page. We've included some default processes, but you can create your own processes to help you do your church your way. Get creative!

Process Name
A short descriptive title for the workflow (for example, "Event Approval"). Keep the name as short as possible.
Process Manager
The MinistryPlatform user responsible for this Process. This User also receives a Task if it cannot be properly routed to another User.
Must be set to True for this workflow to fire.
A longer explanation of the workflow's purpose (for example, "When someone adds future events to the system, they need to be approved. If the event dates are changed OR the visibility level of the event is changed, this workflow is invoked again.").
On Submit
A SQL statement that is part of the SET clause of an UPDATE statement that runs when you submit the workflow (for example, _Approved = 0). Because this is in the SET clause, the Table Lookup Convention is not supported. This should always be <Field_Name> = <value> and the field name must be one in the table associated with the Process.
On Complete
A SQL statement that is part of the SET clause of an UPDATE statement that runs when you successfully complete the final step of the workflow (for example, _Approved =1). Because this is in the SET clause, the Table Lookup Convention is not supported. This should always be <Field_Name> = <value> and the field name must be one in the table associated with the Process.
Trigger Fields
A list of fields on the target record which trigger the Process you update them. Only field names should be listed. The field does not support names qualified with table names or brackets. Leave this blank to trigger the Process for changes to any field. Separate multiple fields with commas. Any field in the list triggers the Process (for example, Event_Start_Date, Event_End_Date, Visibility_Level_ID).
Dependent Condition
A SQL statement that is in a WHERE clause to determine if the edited record should trigger workflow. This can be as simple as Milestone_ID = 90 or a more complicated SQL statement (for example, Event_Start_Date > = GetDate() or Milestone_ID IN (2,6,7)).
Note: Table Lookup convention is not supported for this field (the Advanced Search Tool generates code using this convention). If you are concerned about your code, review the Table Lookup Convention.
On Create
A True/False field. If True, this Process evaluates the trigger field and dependent condition when you create a new record in the defined Table Name.
On Update
A True/False field. If True, this Process evaluates the trigger field and dependent condition when you update an existing record in the defined Table Name.
Table Name
The table to which this workflow applies. This is the table where you add or edit the record that causes the workflow to trigger (for example, Events).
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