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Export Fund Setup

Note: This feature is only available in PDS Version 11. For more on upgrading, see Upgrade to the Latest Version.

If you need to move a fund from one program's data set to another, you can use the export and import features.

Export a fund to send all its setup information to a text file, including the fund information, fund periods, groups, and activities.

  1. On the Administration tab, click Fund Setup. Locate the appropriate fund, then click Export Fund Setup.
  2. Browse to the location, and enter the file name where you'd like to save the text file.

    By default, exported files are saved in your program's Data folder with the fund name as the file name. You can edit this, if needed.

    If you plan to import the fund into another PDS program or data set, note the location and file name you use. You need this file path when importing.

  3. Click Use/OK.
  4. When the export completes, click OK.
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