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Messages are an incredibly powerful aspect of MinistryPlatform. Working with messages is similar to working with emails or text messages in any other program. But MinistryPlatform messages connect to your database, which all of your Users can access. And because ministry is collaborative, MinistryPlatform keeps a log of all messages any User sends to any contact.

  • Messages are related to emails and texts, but messages themselves are not emails or texts. Messages store in MinistryPlatform, and you can use them to send emails and texts.
  • Contacts with email addresses receive a copy of the message delivered to their email address.
  • MinistryPlatform doesn't store replies. When a Contact replies to an email, the reply goes to the email address of the Platform User who sent the message. When a Contact replies to a text message, Twilio logs the reply.
  • If a message cannot send because a Contact doesn't have an email address, this records under Communications > Messages. If a Process automatically generated the message, the system assigns a User a task to find an alternate way to deliver that message.

Sending Messages

  • You can send emails and text messages using the New Message Tool.
  • The system removes duplicate messages before sending.
  • Each Contact receives a unique email and can't see who else received the same Message.
  • If a selected Contact doesn't have an email address or phone number, MinistryPlatform prompts you.
  • Sending a bulk email? Be sure to include an opt-out footer so people can select to not receive bulk emails. You may even include a link to the My Household Widget in your opt-out footer so people can update their communication preferences for emails and texts.
  • Have multiple congregations or parishes and want to ensure each one receives the appropriate Messages? Check out these tips:
    • Set a gatekeeper so that only your Communications team can send bulk (over 200) emails. This way, you can control the selections and set of criteria used for each bulk message.
    • Use publications for each of your congregations or parishes. This keeps those lists specific to each congregation or parish and allows your Users to update their subscriptions online at any time.
You can send messages manually at any time. Or, set it and forget it using one of the following automatic methods:
  • Processes: Process Steps can send Messages.
  • Notifications: Notifications are the automated Messages that MinistryPlatform sends on a daily basis.

You can also send Messages to a selection of Contacts for a Publication, like a Church Newsletter or Prayer Updates.

Viewing Messages

  • To view sent Messages, the Message author can go to Home > My Messages tab, and select the Sent view.
  • The recipient receives the Message in the inbox of their email account on their Contact record. Additionally, recipients that can use MinistryPlatform can go to Home > My Messages tab, and select the My Inbox view to see the Message.


If you have custom development that uses our API, you can create and queue emails and texts!

  • We support two endpoints:
    • /communications, which creates new communication and immediately renders it and schedules it for delivery based on Recipient Contact IDs.
    • /messages, which creates emails from the provided information and immediately schedules them for delivery based on Recipient email addresses.
    • /texts, which creates text messages from the provided information and immediately schedules them for delivery based on Recipient phone numbers.
  • Set CommunicationType to the ID value of Communication Type Record SMS Text.
  • Increased 256-character limit! But beware, you'll have less control over segments with this option.
  • If supported by individual carriers, messages exceeding 160 characters reassemble as a single message.