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Message Storage & Statistics

See All Messages

Go to Communications > Messages.

Note: For security, we don't store a rendered copy of the Message in All Recipients. If needed, you can view the Message Body (with unrendered tokens) on the Message page. This prevents staff from exceeding their access limits through resolved merge fields.

See Who Received a Specific Message

If you use SendGrid, go to Communications > Messages, and select the Message Stats (50 or More Recipients) view. This view shows you exactly what happened to a Message.


Go to Communications > Messages, open the Message, and review the Recipients tab.


Go to Communications > All Recipients, search for the Subject, and review the returned results.

See the Messages a Specific Person Received

Go to Contacts, locate and open the Contact record, and review the Message Log tab.


Go to Communications > All Recipients, search for the person, and review the returned results.

See the Data and Time a Message Sent

Go to Contacts, locate and open the Contact record, click the Message Log tab, and review the Action Status Time.


Go to Communications > All Recipients, search for the person, and review the Action Status Time.

See the Status of a Message

If you use SendGrid, go to Communications > Messages, and select the Message Stats (50 or More Recipients) view. This view shows you exactly what happened to a Message.


Go to Contacts, locate and open the Contact record, click the Message Log tab, and review the Action Status.


Go to Communications > All Recipients, search for the person, and review the Action Status.

Possible Action Statuses for churches using SendGrid include:

  • Bounced: Delivery was attempted, but the Recipient didn't receieve your email.
  • Clicked: A Recipient clicked a URL in your email.
  • Delivered: Your email was delivered but the Recipient hasn't opened it.
  • Dropped: Delivery was attempted, but the Recipient didn't receive your email.
  • Error: Your email did not sent.
  • Opened: A Recipient opened your email.
  • Pending: Your email has been sent but not yet delivered.
  • Ready to Send: Your email has not been sent, but it is ready to go.
  • Sent: Your email was sent but not yet delivered.
  • Spam Reported: Your email was reported as spam.
  • Unsubscribed: The Recipient unsubscribed from your Publication (if you use a SendGrid unsubscribe link).
Note: For more on these statuses, see SendGrid Statistics Overview.

Possible Action Statuses for churches that don't use SendGrid include:

See the Emails You've Sent, Started, or Received

On the Home page, click the My Messages tab, then select the view you want (Sent, My Drafts, My Inbox, or Archived).

Complete a Draft You Started

On the Home page, click the My Messages tab, select the My Drafts view, and open your draft.

Archive Messages

On the Home page, click the My Messages tab, select the Message to Archive, and click Archive Messages.

See Messages Archived from Home Page

Go to Communications > All Recipients, then find and open the Message record. If someone archived it, the Deleted field is set to Yes.