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Create a Publication

  1. Go to Communications > Publications.
  2. Click New Publication.
  3. Enter the necessary information in the applicable fields.
  4. Click Save.

You'll need to add subscribers to the new Publication.

Publication Fields

The friendly name of the Publication. This title displays in various Widgets.
Optional value to ensure Users are limited to Locations allowed with Global Filter permissions.
Information about what the Publication is for.
The Contact who manages the Publication.
Available Online
If set to Yes, the Publication displays on the My Subscriptions Widget, allowing people to manage their own subscription preferences.
Online Sort Order
If the Publication is available online, you can indicate a number to determine the order the Publication displays on the My Subscriptions Widget. Publications on My Subscriptions are ordered by lowest number to highest number.
You can use the Publication Name when populating an RSS Feed. For more information, see Populating an RSS Feed.
On Connection Card
If set to Yes, this Publication can be assigned to a person who responds to it using the Connection Card Tool. This allows volunteers to perform data entry following a worship service.