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Publication Subscriptions

There are several options to subscribe people to or unsubscribe people from Publications.

One Contact at a Time

If you have just one person who needs to update their subscription status, you can do one of the following:

  • Open their Contact Record, and click the Subscriptions tab.
    • To add a subscription, click New Subscription, select the Publication, and set Unsubscribed to No.
    • To end a subscription, open the Publication to remove, click Edit Record, and set Unsubscribed to Yes.
  • Go to Communications > All Subscriptions.
    • To add a subscription, click New Subscription, select the Contact and Publication, and set Unsubscribed to No.
    • To end one or more subscriptions, search for the individual's name, select the Publication(s) to unsubscribe from, select Assign from the Actions menu, select Unsubscribed and set it to Yes, then click Assign.
Automatically Based on System Data

We have an Automatic Publication Subscriptions Routine available to automatically create Subscriptions. See Ready-Made Solutions for more information.

Through Inactivation

With the Inactivate Tool, you can unsubscribe selected records from all the Publications they're subscribed to. We recommend that you use this tool only when you want to inactivate their entire record. For example, don't use this tool to just unsubscribe people from Publications.

Subscribe Multiple Contacts

If you have several people to add to a Publication at once, use a selection.
  1. On the Contacts page, make your selection. You can also start your selection on a different page, and use the Transfer Selection Tool to get your selection to the Contacts page.
  2. If needed, use the Trim Selection Tool to remove people from the selection.
    You could use the Current Publication and Previous Publication drop-down lists to trim out "missing email address" or people who already subscribed or unsubscribed.
  3. Save your selection.
  4. Go to Communications > Publications, and open the Publication record.
  5. On the Subscribers tab, click the Actions menu, and select Add Subscribers.
  6. In the Contacts drop-down list, click the magnifying glass.
  7. In the Selection menu, select the selection you saved earlier.
  8. Click Confirm Selection.
  9. Click Add.

Unsubscribe Multiple Contacts

You can remove several people from one or more Publications at once.
  1. Go to Communications > All Subscriptions.
  2. Check the bottom-left corner of the grid to ensure no records are selected. If needed, clear your selection before proceeding.
  3. Optional: Sort the records by the Publication Title.
  4. Select the people to unsubscribe. Make sure you select the correct Publication.
  5. From the Actions menu, select Assign.
  6. Select Unsubscribed, and set it to Yes.
  7. Click Assign.