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Widgets are mobile-friendly applications designed to display on specific pages of your website. They are a separate application and are fully integrated with MinistryPlatform. They allow guests to conduct business with your church in a safe manner that is instantly captured in the MinistryPlatform database.

Widgets offer an integrated and customized experience for your users. For example, the Group Finder widget allows a user to search for and filter groups that are relevant to their needs. Check out Widget Church to see some widgets in action. And for a deep dive into the benefits of widgets, see Why Widgets.

Example of the Group Finder widget on a church website, showing desktop and mobile versions

To fully optimize widgets, make sure you are using the latest version of your browser.

Your Website, Your Way!

Widgets are designed to display on specific pages of your church website. They are mobile-friendly, responsive, and customizable. Your church can deploy one or more widgets by adding a few lines of code on the appropriate pages. For more information, see Quick Start. And check out Specific CMS Tips to be sure your website's content management system (CMS) can successfully integrate widgets into your existing ecosystem.


Any website visitor can create a user account. Widgets use the same authentication as the Platform for login, account creation, and password reset functionality; it will create a User record.

These User records will not count towards your monthly number of supported users unless you assign specific security roles to these users. A small subset of specific widgets may require a security role (for example, Manage Prayer Requests & Feedback).

Widget Menu

We're hard at work creating customizable and useful widgets to help you do your church your way. Check out our available widgets and keep checking back as we add more!

Widgets Library

Since widgets live on your website, that's where users should go to access them!

However, for reference, the Widget Library can be found by opening a web browser and appending /widgets to your system domain. For example, if your MinistryPlatform URL is https://{your domain}/mp, then your widgets application would be found at https://{your domain}/widgets.
Note: This library is not intended for public consumption, but is a resource library for all the widgets. When widgets are placed on your web pages, the code references this library. The widgets do "work" here, but there is no ability to configure here. You can navigate to various widgets in the library using the navigation drop-down menu.
Tip: Want a way to preview your configured widget before you place it on your website? Great news -- we're working on a Widget Configurator widget! That's right, a widget that lets you configure widgets and see what they'll look like. Once it's ready, we'll update this help topic so you know how to get to the new Widget Configurator widget!
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