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Transitioning from the Portal

Widgets are available!

This exciting application is being released in phases and will eventually replace the Portal. Until then, Widgets can be used in tandem with the Portal. For all the reasons to start leveraging Widgets today, see Why Widgets?. We will continue to add new Widgets in future updates, so keep your eyes peeled for announcements on what's next!

Want a quick way to add the most common Widgets to your website? We offer a Microsite for each congregation or parish as a simpler, plug-and-play alternative to Widgets. For more information, check out Microsite: Widgets Made Easy.

Portal End of Life

Do I have to stop using the old Portal? Yes!

Widgets will not break the Portal. Widgets and Portal pages can run in tandem without issue. But we continue to deploy new Widgets and strongly encourage you to start making the transition. Eventually, the Portal will no longer be supported and your system's Portal URL will be disabled. Both dates are TBD but will be communicated early and often.

We strongly recommend making the switch sooner rather than later to take advantage of the countless enhancements of Widgets.

How are Widgets different than the Portal?

Widgets are all about your website, your way.

Widgets live on your website. They can be placed where you like and even be used multiple times, configuring each one differently. For example, one Group Finder Widget on the Women's Ministry page and another Group Finder Widget on the Men's Ministry page.

For the full rundown on all the reasons to start using Widgets today, see Why Widgets?

What do I need to do to start using Widgets?

Configure Widgets on your website by completing the shared configuration (script and permitted URLs) along with the configuration for each specific Widget (code snippet and attributes).

Transition from the Portal

Here is our suggested approach for a smooth and successful transition from the legacy Portal to Widgets! Modify as needed for your church.

When planning your transition to widgets, there will not be an Online Giving Widget or Missions Trip Giving Widget, mainly because we have so many amazing online giving vendors that seamlessly integrate with MinistryPlatform. However, there are widgets for My Giving, My Contributions, and Invoice Detail and Payment, which leverage partnerships with our online giving vendors.

There will not be an Impersonate User Widget. Contact your giving vendor to discuss options for managing recurring donations on behalf of donors.

Remember: Whatever transition approach you decide to take, you are required to make the transition. Eventually, the Portal will no longer be supported and your system's Portal URL will be disabled.
Note: Need help? Hey, we get it! Change (even good change) can be hard! Don't hesitate to send any issues or questions to Support at any point during your transition. To reduce the stress level of making the transition, ask Support about how to engage a Coach.

Phase 1

  • Pick the Widget you want to start with.
  • Review all Help Center topics for that Widget.
  • Engage a Coach. This is optional, but a great way to kickstart your transition to Widgets.
  • Follow the Quick Start to:
    • Enable Widgets on your website.
    • Identify or create a web page on your website for the Widget.
    • Configure your Widget.
    • Configure your MinistryPlatform records.
  • Test, test, test!

Phase 2

  • Add the code snippet for the Login and Language Widgets.
  • Test, test, test!
  • Determine if you want to add any other Widgets before promoting to your community.

Phase 3

  • Update any links in your Portal skin and website to direct to the Widget.
  • To catch any lingering links, you can set up Portal Redirects (one global or one for each Portal page).
  • Promote the Widgets to your community!

Phase 4

  • Evaluate what went well and what you want to do differently next round.
  • Rinse and repeat the previous phases with the next Widget!

Phase 5

  • Rinse and repeat the previous phases with additional Widgets!
  • Say goodbye to the Portal!
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