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Why Widgets?

Your Website, Your Way!

As part of the MinistryPlatform Life Suite, we designed Widgets specifically to help churches reach and serve their congregation directly from their website in their own unique way. Check out Widget Church to explore Widgets and see how they can be customized for your church.

Your Website is Central

Your website is the central hub of all things at your church! You've invested heavily in your website and work hard to drive traffic to it. For your congregation, it's their single source of truth. Widgets live directly in your website so you don't have to drive traffic to a separate URL. This way, you keep the look and feel of your church.

You Control the Placement and Context

We know you want to control the URL for small group sign-ups. We know you want to frame a call to action with a video, image, or text from the latest sermon series. We know you want to build a one-page resource for all things volunteering.

You can choose which page of your website widgets live on (you pick the URL). And they can be surrounded with your desired graphics and context. A single page can have multiple Widgets, so you can layer multiple Widgets to create a powerful and convenient resource for the topic at hand. Want to really leverage the power of Widgets? Layer the Custom Form Widget with the Opportunity Finder Widget to gather necessary information for your volunteers!

Bonus: Widgets are mobile-friendly and responsive.

You Control the Branding

You've invested heavily in your branding and work hard to make sure everything is in alignment with your brand colors, font, and style. Widgets fit seamlessly into your website, surrounded by and inheriting its basic styles. Want to change something about the way Widgets look to match your branding? Not a problem! Use our CSS override feature to change a button color, hide an element, or use a different font.

Want to change the style of a Widget to match branding for a special event? Not a problem! Use our CSS override feature to make it different for each Widget.

Call them Faith Promises, not Pledges? Not a problem! Use our Application Labels to customize field labels to use the vernacular of your church.

You can Target and Tailor

You don't want just a general Group Finder, you want an option to limit the finder to certain Group Types or Group Focuses for a certain webpage. All our Finder Widgets come with filtering options that can be:
  1. Chosen by the User,
  2. Suggested by you, or
  3. Locked down by you.

You can add the same Finder Widget to multiple pages of your website, each filtered differently for the targeted audience.

We know you don't want your congregation searching through a list when you want them to take action. Our Make a Pledge and Subscribe to Publication widgets present a clear, focused call-to-action. Subscribe to our Resources for Parents e-newsletter! Or partner with us in building a school in the inner city!

You want a way to collect data for a specific initiative that might not fit into a specific Widget. Our Custom Form Widget can stand alone and allows you to collect custom questions (using conditional logic!) right from your website. You can have multiple Custom Forms Widgets on multiple pages of your website, each using a different Form.

We know you have current church announcements, daily devotionals, and more to share for limited periods of time and with specific audiences. Our RSS Feed Widget allows a church to easily organize and display a stream of content. Also, you can have multiple RSS Feed Widgets on multiple pages of your website, each sourcing from a different feed.

Noticing a theme? Widgets are targeted and tailored to YOUR audience!

Your Data Stays Central

Data silos hinder ministry, and managing multiple sources of data is a pain. Widgets allow you to add functionality to your website, giving your congregation safe and simple tools to interact with and engage with your church that is instantly captured in your MinistryPlatform database with all your other data.

This means you can see more holistic, accurate, current information about the people involved in your church so you can serve them that much better. Talk about a win-win!

Get Started!

Widgets live on your website, your way! Engage a Coach or dive into Quick Start.

As an alternative, we also offer a Microsite for each congregation or parish. It's a simpler, plug-and-play alternative to Widgets. For more information, check out Microsite: Widgets Made Easy.

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