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Assign Envelope Number Tool

With the Assign Envelope Number Tool, you can add the next envelope number to a Donor record.

  • The next envelope is calculated by adding one to the highest number already in use.
    Note: If you have an outlier envelope number that was incorrectly assigned, edit that Donor record to remove and clear the incorrect envelope number before using the tool.
  • Check out Envelope Files for more information on managing envelope files.
  • You can open the tool from an open Donor record or a selection of Donor records.
  • You can't assign envelope numbers to Donors with an Inactive or Deceased Participant Status or Donors who already have an Envelope Number. If your selection includes such Donors, it's noted as an Issue and they will not be assigned an Envelope Number.
  • Users will see a success or warning message after they select Assign so they can easily determine whether the appropriate actions were taken.
Assign Envelope Number tool example showing a count of records that can have numbers added, a count of records that will not have numbers added, and any issues with the selected donors
Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Assign Envelope Numbers

You can assign an envelope number to a single Donor or a selection of Donors.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Donors.
  2. Open the Donor Record, or create a selection of Donors.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Assign Envelope Number.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Close the tool.

The Donor(s) are assigned the next available envelope numbers.

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