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Assign Donor Tool

Donations given by unauthenticated users are sometimes initially matched to the Default Contact record. With the Assign Donor Tool, you can review and assign these donations to an appropriate Donor record.

  • Users may submit data anonymously. A user is "anonymous" if they have not logged in prior to making their donation.
  • Anonymous users are matched to the Default Contact record if:
    • The details provided do not match a Contact.
    • The system makes more than one match. (There is a duplicate Contact situation.)
  • The Platform determines a match based on the information input during the submission process.
  • To match a Contact, MinistryPlatform uses the following values:
    • First Name or Nickname
    • Last Name
    • Email or Phone (only one is required for a match.)
    • For Phone, the following are considered: Mobile, Company, or Home Phone.
  • With the Assign Donor Tool, you can review and assign donations matched to the Default Contact to the most appropriate Donor record.
  • If no appropriate Donor record exists, the tool can create a new a new Donor. Creating a new Donor also creates the associated Contact, Participant, and Household records.
  • You can launch this tool from a selection of records (for example, all donations assigned to the Default Contact) or an open Donations record.
  • If you receive an error when assigning or trying to create a Participant record within the tool, ensure all of your system configuration settings are set to values that exist in your system.
    Note: If software other than MinistryPlatform inputs donations into the Platform, donations must match what the Platform expects if you're using the Assign Donor Tool.

Screenshot of the Assign Donor tool with a donation selected and its information displayed

Assign Donor Tool Configuration Settings

This tool relies on several configuration settings:

COMMON, DefaultStatementFrequency
The Statement Frequency that will be assigned to a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool.
COMMON, DefaultStatementType
The Statement Type that will be assigned to a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool.
COMMON, DefaultStatementMethod
The Statement Method that will be assigned to a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool.
COMMON, defaultCongregationID
The Congregation that will be assigned to the Household of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool if not otherwise specified.
COMMON, HouseholdSourceID
The Household Source that will be assigned to the Household of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool if not otherwise specified.
COMMON, defaultContactStatus
The Contact Status that will be assigned to the Contact record of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool.
COMMON, hhPosition
The Household Position that will be assigned to the Contact record of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool if not otherwise specified.
COMMON, ParticipantTypeID
The Participant Type that will be assigned to the Participant record of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool if not otherwise specified.
COMMON, GoogleMapsAPIKey
If configured, auto-completes the address field of a Donor created using the Assign Donor Tool.

Assign a Donor

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Donations.
  2. Open the donation or select donations assigned to the Default Contact.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Assign Donor.
  4. If needed, select the donation to match.
  5. Review possible matches.
    • If a match exists, click Assign next to the correct Donor.
    • If no match exists, click Create New Donor, enter any additional info (most fields auto-fill from the Notes field), and click Save.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Close the tool.

You've assigned the donation to the selected Donor. If you created a new Donor, the Configuration Settings determine the fields on their Donor, Contact, Participant, and Household records.

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