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Add/Edit Company Tool

The responsive, available-on-mobile way to add or edit a Company record in the Platform.

  • Perfect for updating Company when you're out and about. Like when you're at lunch after service and notice an updated phone number for the Pastor's favorite restaurant.
  • A Company is a Contact record designated as a Company.
  • Available on multiple pages, including Contacts, Households, Donors, Donations, Pledges, Pledge Campaigns, All Form Answers, All Form Responses, Missions Trips, and Mission Trip Pledges. Need the tool on a different page? You can add it!
  • The tool can be launched from a page or an open record. If you open the tool from a page, you'll need to search for the Company before you add it as a new one. It's a measure-twice-cut-once situation.
    Tip: The New Company button will not display until after you've pressed enter on your search for an existing company.
Add/Edit Company tool showing an example company
Note: To use this tool, you must have access through your security role. SPoCs can grant user access to this tool.

Add or Edit a Company Record

  1. Go to a Page that displays Company records.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Add/Edit Company Tool.
  3. Enter the Company name you're looking for in the search box. If the Company is not found, click New Company.
  4. Add or edit the Company information.
    • The Company name is required, but all other information is optional.
    • If the City, State, and zip code are included, Address Line 1 must be provided.
  5. Optionally, select Create Donor Record to create a Donor record for this Company.
  6. Click Save.
    After the form refreshes, repeat these steps as needed.
  7. Close the tool.
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