Add/Edit Company Tool
The responsive, available-on-mobile way to add or edit a Company record in the Platform.
- Perfect for updating Company when you're out and about. Like when you're at lunch after service and notice an updated phone number for the Pastor's favorite restaurant.
- A Company is a Contact record designated as a Company.
- Available on multiple pages, including Contacts, Households, Donors, Donations, Pledges, Pledge Campaigns, All Form Answers, All Form Responses, Missions Trips, and Mission Trip Pledges. Need the tool on a different page? You can add it!
- The tool can be launched from a page or an open record. If you open the tool from a page, you'll need to search for the Company before you add it as a new one. It's a measure-twice-cut-once situation.Tip: The New Company button will not display until after you've pressed enter on your search for an existing company.