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Delete Keywords

CAUTION: All other users must exit the program before you continue.

If you don't use a keyword or no longer need it, you can delete it.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Keywords.
  2. From the relevant keyword category, select the keyword list to delete your keyword(s) from.
  3. To see if each keyword is used on any records, click Show Count. This may take a moment to process depending on the number of keywords in your list.
    The Count column displays the number of records each keyword is used on. If this number is 0, you can feel confident about deleting it!
    Tip: To find and delete all unused keywords at once, use the Delete Unused Keywords process.
  4. Click the delete icon red minus sign.
  5. Read the warning, then click Yes to confirm.
    CAUTION: When you delete a keyword, it is removed from the list and all windows where it's used. If you plan to replace this keyword with another one, you can combine keywords instead.
  6. Select each item you want to delete.
  7. Click Delete/OK.

If the keyword was used in records, it is replaced with a blank.

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