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Add Accounts to a Group

In the list of accounts, you can add all of the accounts you want to include in the group or insert new entries. Determine how the program should handle each account.

  1. On the Other Information tab, click Chart of Accounts > Group Details.
  2. Locate or add the group you want.
  3. If needed, click Show Detail to see account details at the bottom of the window.
  4. Click Add Accounts, and select the accounts you want to add to the list. Click Save/OK.
    Accounts are added to the bottom of the list with the default source selection, Print account.
  5. If needed, select an option in the Source drop-down list. This tells the program how to handle the account. For more information, see Group Detail Sources.
  6. Make any other necessary edits.
  7. At the top, click Save.