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Send a One-Way Text from a Pathway

You can send one-way texts from a pathway.

Only administrators and users with permissions set to Allow in their responsibilities can perform the steps below.

You can select individuals from a pathway and send them one-way texts. Your church's text ID is included at the beginning of all texts that you send.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Connect. Then click Pathways.
  2. In the side menu, click Current for an active pathway or Past for a completed pathway.
  3. Click the name of the pathway, then click the People tab.
  4. By default, you will see the current participants of the pathway. If you need to view the past participants instead, click Current Participants, then select Past Participants from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the participants from the list. To text all participants, select the box above the participants list.
  6. In the Select an Action drop-down menu, select Send One-Way Text.
  7. Enter the content of your text.
  8. To receive a copy of the text on your mobile device, select Send a text to my mobile phone. By default, this option is automatically selected.
  9. Click Send.