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Email Pathway and Step Leaders

In Connect and Multiply churches, Realm will automatically notify leaders of activity in their pathway or step if they've enabled digest emails on the Notifications tab of their Manage Accounts page.

This page applies only to Connect and Multiply customers. To receive email notifications, leaders must enable daily or weekly email digests. Read on for details.

New participant notifications. Pathway and step leaders will be emailed automatically via the daily or weekly digest (these need to be selected by the leader for their account) when someone is added to a pathway or step they oversee. At the current time, if a step has no leader, no email is sent when a participant is added to it. In the near future, the pathway leader will be emailed in such an event.

Overdue participant notifications. Pathway leaders will be emailed automatically via the daily or weekly digest (again, this must be selected by the leader for their account) when somebody is overdue to complete their pathway, assuming a Target Duration has been set for the pathway. Step leaders will be emailed automatically when somebody is overdue to complete their step, assuming a Target Duration has been set for the step. The notice is not re-sent until a new participant joins the overdue list.

Both types of notifications can be turned on or off by leaders if they follow these steps:

  1. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and in the Notifications section, click Realm.
  2. Under Pathways, select an email option.
  3. Click Save.