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Alter an Existing Schedule

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

You can make changes to a group of previously scheduled events. For example, if your Weekly Bingo group needs to move to another facility for a few weeks in August and September, you can locate and modify their scheduled events for that time range.

  1. On the Information tab, click Events > Processes > Alter Existing Schedule.
  2. Enter or select any criteria to filter events you want to change.

    For example, to alter all scheduled events for a particular facility, select that facility from the drop-down list. Or, if you want all scheduled events on September 1, 2024, enter 09/01/2024 for the event date.

    You can use any combination of these options to filter the list.

  3. To select only events that occur on certain days of the week, select Only these days and each day you want.
  4. You can further filter your list by calendars. When you're finished, click Next.
  5. Select the checkbox beside the events you want to alter, then click Next.
  6. Select the field information you want to alter for events you selected. As you select each option, make any necessary changes at the bottom of the window. Click Next.
  7. Review the alterations, and click Next.
    Note: You can schedule conflicting events now and resolve the conflicts later. When you click Finish, you must confirm that you want to schedule the conflicting events.
  8. When you're done, click Finish.