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Change or Delete an Event

You can modify information for events that are not connected to an event package.
Note: If an event is connected to a group of events, you modify them in the Event Packages window.
  1. On the Information tab, click Events.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. To modify an event, edit any information you need to and click Save at the top.
    If you modify the facility, event date, start time, end time, setup time, or cleanup time, Facility Scheduler automatically checks whether changes conflict with other events. When you save your changes, a message notifies you of any conflicts.
  4. To delete an event, click Delete Event at the top.
  5. To mark an event to reschedule later, select Need to Reschedule.
    Events you mark to reschedule later display when you start your program. You can also run a report using additional selections to view a list of events to reschedule. When you're ready, reschedule a group of events using the Alter Existing Schedule process.
  6. If you previously uploaded this event to Google Calendar, you're prompted to update or remove the event in Google Calendar.
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