You might have events scheduled in the same facility at the same time. Use this process to view, print, change, and delete events to resolve conflicts.
Note: Inactive events are not checked for conflicts.
On the Information tab, click Events > Processes > Manage Event Conflicts.
Enter or select a date range, then click Next.
Conflicting events display in the grid. Information about the selected event displays at the top-left, and information about its conflict displays at the top-right.
To change the date, time, or facility for an event or its conflict, click Load Event.
If another conflict occurs with the change you made, a message displays.
Click Yes to make the change anyway or No to change something else.
To remove an event or its conflict from the schedule, click Delete Event and confirm.
Note: If the event you're deleting has a charge/payment attached, you're prompted to either delete or preserve it. If you still want to charge the organization for use of the facility for that event, select Preserve. Otherwise, you should delete it.
Repeat these steps for each conflict in the list.
If needed, click Refresh List to clear any resolved conflicts.