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Change Area Codes

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

When an existing area code is split into new area codes, a list of the affected phone number exchanges is published. You can use the Change Area Code wizard to check all phone and fax numbers and update them if necessary.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click System Processes > Change Area Code Wizard.
  2. Select whether to process all area code exchanges or only some exchanges.
  3. To process all exchanges at once:
    1. Select Yes, process all of the exchanges at once, and click Next.
    2. Enter the old area code and the new area code, then click Next.
  4. To process some exchanges and enter them manually:
    1. Select No, only some of the exchanges are being changed, and click Next.
    2. Select Enter area code and exchanges manually, and click Next.
    3. Enter the old area code and the new area code, then click Next.
    4. Enter all exchanges affected by the area code change. It's not necessary to enter them in order.
    5. After you enter the exchanges, click Next.
    6. Select whether you want to save the area code information to a file, then click Next.
  5. To process some exchanges and load them from a file:
    1. Select No, only some of the exchanges are being changed, and click Next.
    2. Select Load the area code and exchanges from a file.
    3. Click Browse, locate and select the file, then click Next.
    4. Review the old area code and the new area code, and edit if necessary. Click Next.
    5. Add, edit, or delete any exchanges, and when you're finished, click Next.
    6. Select whether you want to save the area code information to a file, then click Next.
  6. Review your selections. To process the changes, click Finish.
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