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Facility Scheduler User Guide

This user guide contains everything you need to know about PDS Facility Scheduler. You can find information in the following sections. Click a heading, use the navigation menu on the left, or use the search bar at the top to find what you're looking for.

Get Started

Get started with your program. Learn about basic features, how to navigate, and how to customize the program to suit your needs.


Add information about locations (such as a classroom, chapel, gym, etc) where events take place.

Organizations and Individuals

Manage information about organizations (groups that schedule facilities) and individuals (people who want to schedule facilities).


Set up events and manage event information. You can also view an event's charges and payments, set up requirements for an event, and more.

Event Packages

Set up a series of interconnected events (an event package), such as a wedding which has many events (wedding ceremony, rehearsal, reception, etc).

Scheduling Wizards

View and manage schedules using the scheduling wizards.


Create and print reports, letters, envelopes, and more. Learn how to use the Selection window, and manage report styles and settings.

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