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Schedule Masses

You can set up a schedule for your organization's worship services.
Note: By default, the term "Mass" is used, but you can customize this to use your name for meetings. For more, see Set Initial Program Options.

Alternatively, you can schedule Masses using one of the scheduling wizards, making sure to select the This Event is a Mass checkbox.

  1. On the Information tab, click Mass Schedule.
  2. To add a new Mass, click the add icon green plus sign, and enter the Mass information in the grid. Repeat this for each Mass you want to schedule, then click Save.
    Tip: If you're adding multiple Masses that share similar information (such as three Saturday Masses that occur in the same place but at different times), select Repeat Mass Information to copy the information to the new line. If you want to start with a blank line when you add a Mass, clear this option.
  3. Select the Mass(es) you want to schedule.
  4. Enter the date range at the bottom. The Masses you selected will be scheduled weekly during this range.
  5. Click Schedule as Events.
  6. If conflicts occur, they display in the wizard.
    • To resolve event conflicts, click an option.
    • If there are no conflicts, click Schedule to complete the scheduling process.
  7. Click Next.
  8. To print a list of scheduled events, click Print List. To print a letter of event details to send to the organization associated with the event, click Print Letter.
  9. To return to the Mass Schedule window, click Next.

After you name and schedule a Mass, you can assign Mass intentions in the Mass Intentions window.

In the Events window, you can search for, modify, or delete a Mass.

Watch & Learn

Learn how to add masses, schedule certain ones over a range of dates, and view them on your calendar. 5 min 43 sec

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