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Replace Sacrament Places

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.
You may realize that the wrong place of sacrament was entered for many Sacramental Register records. If this happens, you can use this process to correct all the values at once by replacing one Sacrament Place with another.
Attention: This process replaces every instance of the selected place in all your registers. Only use this process when all instances should be replaced. And, it only changes the place in the Sacramental Registers and does not affect your member sacrament records.
  1. On the Sacramental Registers tab, click Sacramental Registers > Replace Sacrament Place.
  2. Enter, select, or search for the Sacrament Place you want to replace. This is the one that will be removed from applicable records.
  3. Enter, select, or search for the Sacrament Place that should replace the other one. This is the one that will be added to applicable records.
  4. Review the information to make sure you selected the correct places.
  5. Click Replace/OK.
  6. Click Yes to confirm you're ready to replace the place on all applicable records.

A message displays once the replacement is complete. It shows how many instances of the Sacrament Place were found and replaced on your records.