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Listing Reports and Certificates

Listing reports cover a wide range of reports, including lists of items, directories, registration forms, certificates, and statistical reports. You can select and modify the page style and margin style of listing reports.

To locate listings and certificates, on the Reports tab, click the button related to the type of report you want. Expand the different report groups to view the report types.

Financial Listing Reports

Financial listing reports have a window where you can specify which funds, time range, and fund activities to include. For details, see "Customize Financial Statements".

Sacramental Certificates

PDS provides certificates for each sacrament, in both English and Spanish. Existing certificate reports can't be modified, but you can copy them. Once copied, they can be modified. For more on sacrament certificates and notifications, see Sacramental Record Field Information.

Tip: Certificates blank? If your certificates are blank when printing, check the margin style to make sure your printer can work in those margins. Then, double-check your report selections and confirm that the member has that sacramental information on their record. You should also confirm that the appropriate sacraments are defined in your Sacrament Options.

Watch & Learn

Learn to create your own simple listing report of family information. 9 min 34 sec

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To watch more videos, visit the PDS Video Library.

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