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Set a Security Method

You can select which information users are asked for before entering the program.

Note: Before changing the default security method, make sure you set up at least one user who has a user name, password, and full access to all program areas. Ideally, this is a system administrator.
  1. On the Administration tab, click Users & Passwords > Set Security Method.
  2. Select a level of security.
    • None. Users are not asked for anything.—Disable program security. If you turn off security, any existing settings are saved in the Users & Passwords, Access and Privileges, and User Preferences windows. When program security is reactivated, those settings display again.
    • Users are asked for a name.—Log user names, but don't require users to enter passwords. Users must be set up under Users & Passwords.
    • Users are asked for both a name and a password.—Log user names, and require users to enter a password to log in to the program. User names and passwords must be set up under Users & Passwords.
    • The user names are detected by Windows authentication.—PDS user names must match the user names used to log in to Windows®. On startup, if an active PDS user name matches somebody who is logged in to Windows, then the user can access PDS without additional prompting.
      Note: Only select this if your network is secure, you trust the Windows login process, computers are in reasonably secure locations, and you don't share passwords.
    • The user names are detected by OnDemand authentication.—This option displays for clients using PDS OnDemand. PDS user names must match the user names used to log in to OnDemand. On startup, if an active PDS user name matches somebody who is logged in to OnDemand, then the user can access PDS without additional prompting.
  3. Click Save/OK.

Once security is set up, only a security administrator can change the method or disable it. User information isn't affected if security is turned off in case you want to enable it again later.

Exit and restart the program to apply your changes to the security method.

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