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Restrict Program Access

When this program is initially installed, anyone can view or change data. While it is optional, we recommend that you set up users with passwords to protect your data and avoid unauthorized changes.

Several key advantages of requiring user names include:
  • Restricting who can enter your program.
  • Logging the user's name with the processes they performed.
  • Each user can define their preferences for the program.
  • You can set which users can view and edit specific windows and processes.
  • The administrator can see who is using the program. Click the users icon blue outline of two people on the toolbar.

Requiring passwords along with user names further restricts who can access your data. A user name does not provide enough security to prevent someone from entering the program.

Additionally, your PDS program automatically maintains a log of user activity whether or not user names or passwords are required to enter the program. For more information on that, see Log of User Activity.

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