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Remove a Group from an Event

Instructions to remove a group from an event, including deleting the association between the event and the group without deleting the actual records.

  • You must have Delete rights on the Event Groups page and the Group's Event tab (sub-page).
To end the association between specific events and groups, you must delete the Event Group records. This process doesn't delete the events or the groups themselves, just the connection between them.
Warning: Delete with care! This is a powerful tool and you should use it with extreme caution. Any data you delete from MinistryPlatform is completely gone. To recover deleted data requires Professional Services and incurs a cost. As such, you should limit this feature to users trained to use it wisely and correctly.
  1. Go to Groups, and open the group's record.
  2. Click the Events tab.
  3. Select the event(s) you want to remove.
  4. Click Actions > Delete.
  5. If needed, review any dependent records.
  6. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
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