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Add People to Groups

There are multiple ways to add individuals to Groups. Choose a way that works best for your situation!

From the Group Record

You can add a person to a group from the Group record on the Groups page.

  1. Go to Groups, and open the record of the group you want to add a person to.
  2. Click the Participants tab.
  3. To add one person to the group:
    1. Click New Group Participant.
    2. Enter their information.
    3. Click Save.
  4. To add multiple people with the same Group Role and Start Date:
    1. From the Actions menu, select Add Participants.
    2. Find and select the participants you want to add.
    3. Enter the General information.
    4. Click Add.

From the Participant Record

You can add a person to a group from their Participant record on the Participants page.

  1. Go to Participants, and open the record of the person you want to add to a group.
  2. Click the Groups tab.
  3. To add the person to one group:
    1. Click New Group Participant.
    2. Enter their information.
    3. Click Save.
  4. To add the person to multiple groups with the same Group Role and Start Date:
    1. From the Actions menu, select Add Groups.
    2. Find and select the groups you want to add the person to.
    3. Enter the General information.
    4. Click Add.

From Check-in Suite

You can add a person to a group from a Check-In Suite kiosk in Attended Mode.

  1. With the kiosk in Attended Mode, search for and locate a family.
  2. Click Edit Family.
  3. Select the person to add to a group.
  4. Under Add Event, select the event from the drop-down list.
  5. Under Add Group, select the group from the drop-down list.
    Note that this is an insert-only option:
    • Groups are listed if they are directly associated with the Event.
    • Groups may also be listed if they are associated with the Program to which the event belongs and Ignore Program Groups is set to No.
    • The current date is used and the default Group Role found on the Group Type record is used.
  6. Click Save on the person's record, then click Save on the family's record.

From GroupLife

You can add a new person to a group from within the GroupLife application.

A group leader or primary contact can add a new person to their group through GroupLife. Remember, a Group is only visible when its record has Available Online set to Yes.

  1. Log in to the page that displays the My Groups widget.
  2. Locate the group to add the person to, and click GroupLife.
  3. Click the Participants tab, then click Add Participant.
  4. Enter the person's information along with the date they started with the group.
  5. Click Save.

Based on a Custom Form Response

You can add a person to a group based on a Custom Form Response.

You may have a custom form that asks a question related to different groups you have at your church. For example, a VBS form may ask which grade a child is going into. From that response, you can add a person to a relevant group. So, if a Form Response indicates that Timmy is going into second grade, you can add him to the Second Grade Group.

  1. Go to Custom Forms > All Form Answers.
  2. Search for the specific Form Title, Field Label, and Response. For example, find the people who responded "second grade" to the question "What grade are you going into?" on the VBS form.
  3. Select the records of the people you want to add to a group.
  4. In the selection menu, choose Current/Unsaved Selection to ensure you only have the records you want.
  5. Transfer your selection to Participants:
    1. Click Tools > Transfer Selection.
    2. Under Copy Selection, select Participants for the Target Page.
    3. For Selection Name, indicate a descriptive name, such as "VBS Second Grade".
    4. Click Transfer.
    5. Close the tool.
  6. Add your selection to a Group:
    1. Go to Groups, and open the record of the group you want to add people to.
    2. Click the Participants tab.
    3. From the Actions menu, select Add Participants.
    4. Next to the Participant field, click the magnifying glass.
    5. In the selection drop-down list, choose your saved selection.
    6. Click Confirm Selection.
    7. Enter the General information.
    8. Click Add.

Based on Event Participation

You can add a person to a group based on their participation in an event.

After an event, you may want to add the attendees to a group. For example, a few new people attended a Singles Coffee event last Friday. You can add them to your Singles group so they can get communication about other upcoming events.

  1. Go to People Lists > Event Participants.
  2. Search for the specific Event Title and Date. For example, find the people who attended Singles Coffee on 11/18.
  3. Select the records of the people you want to add to a group.
  4. In the selection menu, choose Current/Unsaved Selection to ensure you only have the records you want.
  5. Transfer your selection to Participants:
    1. Click Tools > Transfer Selection.
    2. Under Copy Selection, select Participants for the Target Page.
    3. For Selection Name, indicate a descriptive name, such as "Singles Coffee 11/18".
    4. Click Transfer.
    5. Close the tool.
  6. Add your selection to a Group:
    1. Go to Groups, and open the record of the group you want to add people to.
    2. Click the Participants tab.
    3. From the Actions menu, select Add Participants.
    4. Next to the Participant field, click the magnifying glass.
    5. In the selection drop-down list, choose your saved selection.
    6. Click Confirm Selection.
    7. Enter the General information.
    8. Click Add.

During Event Registration

You can set up an Option Price that automatically adds a registrant to a group during event registration.

On the Option Price record, in the Add to Group field, select the group you want to add people to when they select that Option Price on the registration form.

After registering, a person is automatically added to the group if:
  • A Participant record does not already exist in the group.
  • A Participant record exists but has a past End Date.

In either case, a new Group Participant record is created with a start date of the date registered and no end date. If the Participant did not already exist, they are assigned the Default Group Role for the group's Group Type.

A registrant will not be added to the group if:
  • They are already a current group participant.
  • Their Participant record already exist in the group and has a future End Date.

Managing Mishaps

If you forgot to clear your selection when adding people to a Group and now the wrong people are in a Group, you can delete the Group Participant records. Deleting Group Participant records should only happen when the person shouldn't have been added to the Group in the first place - not if the person participated in the Group and is now just no longer participating. In the latter case, we recommend end-dating participants.

If you need to delete Group Participants, there are two options. Either method deletes the Group Participants records without deleting the Participants or the Groups themselves (just the connection between them). As always, be cautious when using the Delete action. If you don't have the Delete option available, a SPoC can update your security role as needed.

  • Option 1: Go to the Groups page, open the group, and click the Participant tab. Select the participants to remove, and click Delete.
  • Option 2: Go to People Lists > Group Participants, select the records to remove, and click Delete.