End or Inactivate a Group
To indicate that a group has stopped meeting, you can set an end date on the Group record.
- Go to Groups, and open the group's record.
- Click Edit Record.
- Enter the End Date.
- If your church tracks why a group no longer meets, select the Reason Ended.
- If this group should no longer display online (for example, in Group Finder or My Groups), set Available Online to No.
- Click Save.
When you add an end date for the first time, the End Date Group Participant trigger automatically adds an end date to all Group Participant records for the group. If you change the end date later, MinistryPlatform won't change the existing or new Group Participant records.
Clean data is happy data! There is a view on the Group Participants page that displays any records you should inactivate. This is either because they are currently in an end-dated group or because the gruop participant's Contact record is now Inactive or Deceased.