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Events & Programs

Learn how to manage and associate groups with events and programs, understand the benefits for attendance, and navigate the system's features for group-event relations.

Important: Check-In Suite does not use the event groups or program groups concept. You don't need to associate groups with events through the Groups or Events tabs (sub-pages). Instead, use the Rooms & Groups or Rooms & Events tabs. The nightly Data Quality Routine creates event groups for any groups found in Event_Rooms table associated with future events to make reports and tools using event groups available.

Groups & Events

  • You can directly relate any Group record to any Event record. When you relate a group to an event, the following occurs:
    • The group can check into the event using the Check-In system, as long as the event group's Closed field is set to No.
    • The group sees the event on the event calendar found in the My Groups widget and Group Life.
    • The group leader can take attendance through My Groups.
    • Staff can post attendance for the group after the event using the Roll Scan Attendance Tool or Group Attendance Tool.
    • You can add people to a group from the Check-In system in Attended Mode.
  • If a group leader creates a single or recurring event record from Group Life, the event(s) directly relate to that leader's group.
  • When you copy an event, you can copy the associated Group records. If the copy includes a recurring series, each of the events in that series is associated with the group.
  • You can remove the association between events and groups. See Remove a Group from an Event.
  • See Events & Groups and Rooms & Groups for more information about how events relate to groups.

Groups & Programs

  • You can directly relate any group to any program:
    • This relationship implies that the group will engage in some or all of the events hosted by the specified program.
    • By creating a list of program groups, you can avoid managing a separate list of event groups for each event.
  • Groups can exist without being associate with any programs:
    • You might use unassociated groups to track ministry involvement and communicate with members of this group.
    • In the rare event that you use the Check-In system for this group, you can add it directly to an event.
  • You'll find this association on a Program's Groups tab and on the Group's Programs tab. If an event is associated with a program with program groups, these groups do not show on the Groups tab of the event record.
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