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Rooms & Groups

  • Records on the Rooms & Groups tab of an Event are Room Reservation records that include optional Group details.
  • These additional Group details are used primarily in Check In Suite.
  • Details on reserving Rooms can be found here.
  • Details on viewing Room Reservations can be found here.
  • Details on managing Room Reservations can be found here.

Rooms & Groups Fields

  • Event: The Event the Room is reserved for.
  • Room: The Room reserved.
  • Group: The Group that will be using this Room for this Event.
  • Default Group Room: Deprecated.
  • Balance Priority:
    • For balancing Participants between Rooms:
      • For one Group using one Room, simply set both Room Reservations as 0.
      • For multiple Groups sharing the same Room, simply set both Room Reservations as 0.
    • For one Group assigned to multiple Rooms:
      • Fill one completely, then fill other: set first Room Reservation to 0, then other to 1.
      • Fill evenly, back and forth: set both Room Reservations as 0.
  • Closed: If manually closed, the Room will not be available for Participants to check into regardless of other settings. This field can also be set via Check In Suite Admin Console on the Group Room Overview. This value will not be changed by Auto Close. Default value: False.
  • Auto Close At Capacity: If true, when the Max Capacity set on the Room record is met by the number of participants checked in, this Room will close and no longer be available for check in. (Note: Groups must be used for this feature). This option can be turned off via Check In Suite Admin Console on the Group Room Overview. Default value: False.
  • Room Layout: The Layout selected for the Room for this Event.
  • Chairs: The number of chairs requested for the Room for this Event.
  • Tables: The number of tables requested for the Room for this Event.
  • Notes: Any notes about the Room Reservation.
  • Approved: If true, this Room Reservation has been reviewed and approved.
  • Cancelled: If true, this Room Reservation has been cancelled.
  • Primary Reservation: Hidden field to allow views and reports to get back only the most relevant record associating a room with an event when a room is associated multiple times with an Event in order to accommodate multiple Groups sharing a room as is common in some Check In Suite scenarios.
    • Only one record can be a "primary reservation".
    • If two records exist, the one with Notes will be the "primary reservation".
    • If two or more records with Notes exist, the records added first will be the "primary reservation".