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Reporting on Donors

This section covers donor-specific reports in the Platform, including the reports themselves and giving bands or giving levels.

MinistryPlatform comes pre-loaded with a host of useful reports on the Donors page that provide several approaches to analyzing donors and their donations. If a report includes default dates (period start and end), you can change this to either the most used date period (for example, last month, last three months, and so on) or remove it completely so you must enter the dates every time you run the report. Contact Support for more information. Make these reports work for you!

And remember to make them work for your pastors, too! There can be a gap between how a pastor and database administrator think about donors. Pastors often think about donors as a household. But in MinistryPlatform, donations are attached to individuals.

Tip: Help those you're reporting to by clarifying this fact and confirming whether they want individual donor numbers or donor households numbers.
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