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Pledge Campaigns

A brief introduction to pledge campaigns in MinistryPlatform.

Use pledge campaigns to keep track of special one-time fundraising efforts. These include capital campaigns, building funds, year-end giving, and short-term mission trips. Each pledge campaign can have one or more pledges, a specified amount of money that a donor has pledged to give by a certain date. Donations can be received and credited to these pledges if your pledge campaign and program are configured correctly.

Image displaying a flow chart of pledge campaigns. A green circle in the middle is labeled "Pledge Campaigns", four blue circles representing pledge goals labeled "budget", "child sponsorship", "capital fundraising", and "missionaries" are connected and surround the center Pledge Campaigns circle, and two orange circles representing third-party donations labeled "mission trips" and "memorials" are connected and surround center Pledge Campaigns circle. The asterisk next to "mission trips" and "memorials" notes at the bottom: "Any pledge goal can be met with donations from a third party including the pledging donor's spouse, brokerage, business or foundation. However, donations made towards a memorial or mission trip pledge will primarily come from third parties".

New vs. Existing Programs

You can create a new program for the new pledge campaign or edit an existing program to associate it with the new campaign. But we highly recommended that you use an existing program if it contains active recurring donations. It is better to edit an existing program than to ask donors to set up their recurring donations under a new program.

Multiple Programs

You can have multiple programs associated with the same pledge campaign.

Tip: Want to see how to prepare for and set up a pledge campaign? Check out the Campaigns and Pledges webinar in the MinistrySmart Academy!
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