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Personnel Information

Track personnel information on an individual's profile.

Personnel can be clergy, religious, ministers, or staff. They have a profile just like congregants, with an additional tab where you can track information specific to their role. Depending on your denomination, you will see options for either "Clergy" and "Religious" or "Ministers" by default.


Personnel are different from site users. A Realm user has a login to your site, whereas personnel do not necessarily have access. Personnel can only view information on your site if you add them as a user and grant the appropriate permissions.

There are some personnel fields set up for you by default, such as assignment/position status, ordination status, and religious order or ministerial status.

You can enter each personnel's information on the personnel tab on their profile. The tab name displays as their personnel type: Clergy, Religious, Minister, or Staff. Keep in mind, personnel cannot see this information on their profile. Only users with the appropriate permissions can view, add, and edit these records.

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