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Mark Someone as Personnel

Indicate that an individual is personnel to track certain information on their profile.

  • You'll need the Add permission for the personnel type you want to add.

When you mark someone as personnel, a tab is added to their profile where you can track personnel information. They are automatically added to the appropriate personnel system groups. An administrator must grant system permissions if the personnel needs access to your Realm site.

  1. Locate and open the record you want to mark as personnel.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon on the profile, and select Mark as Personnel.
  3. Select the personnel type.
  4. Select the individual's department (for staff) or role (for clergy, religious, or ministers).
    Note: Department and role list values are set based on your denomination. If you don't see the one you want, select the closest fit, then use the Position Title to expand on the role.
  5. Enter the individual's position title to further define their role.
    Note: The position title displays under their name throughout Realm to help you identify personnel.
  6. If the individual needs a new title to represent their role, such as "Reverend", add it to their name.
  7. Click Save.

The profile is moved to the Personnel section.

Only administrators and users with the View Details for Individuals permission can view the new personnel tab on the profile.

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