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Move Personnel Profile Data

Move existing profile field data to the relevant personnel field.

  • You must be an administrator to do this.

The terms you see depend on your denomination. Clergy and religious have assignments, whereas ministers and staff have positions. Clergy and religious have religious order, whereas ministers have ministerial status.

In this process, a destination field is the predefined system field located on the personnel tab of a profile. A source field is the custom field you set up to track personnel data. You can select which source fields to copy to the destination fields on personnel profiles.

Here are a few things to note about the Move Personnel Data process:
  • Information that you've already entered on the personnel tab will not be overwritten.
  • Your custom fields will not be deleted after the move.
  • You can run this process multiple times, but some data cleanup may be needed after each time.
  1. Mark all necessary profiles as personnel, including inactive and deceased. These are the profiles that will be updated when you move the data.

    Identify the custom fields you are currently using to track personnel information on these profiles. These are your source fields. When you move the data, you will match those with the destination fields on the personnel tab.

  2. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  3. On the Profile Fields tab, click Move Personnel Data.
  4. Read the information about the process. When you're ready, click Continue.
  5. On the Assignments or Positions step:
    1. For each destination field, select the matching source field you're currently using on profiles. Some fields have different formats (Text or List) to choose from. You only need to select a value for one of these, based on your source field format.
    2. The values for the source field and destination field must match in order to move the data. If the values do not match, a warning message displays. Relabel and/or combine the values to match as needed.
    3. Note that a status is required for assignments/positions. If your records do not provide one, the first available option in the list of statuses is added to profiles. You can change it after the move.
    4. If you track a secondary assignment/position in custom profile fields, click Add Another and repeat these steps.
    5. Click Next.
  6. On the Religious Order or Ministerial Status step:
    1. For each destination field, select the matching source field. Some fields have different formats (Text, List, or People Search) to choose from. You only need to select a value for one of these, based on your source field format.
    2. The values for the source field and destination field must match in order to move the data. If the values do not match, a warning message displays. Relabel and/or combine the values to match as needed.
    3. Click Next.
  7. On the Ordination Status step:
    1. For each destination field, select the matching source field. Some fields have different formats (Text, List, or Search) to choose from. You only need to select a value for one of these, based on your source field format.
    2. The values for the source field and destination field must match in order to move the data. If the values do not match, a warning message displays. Relabel and/or combine the values to match as needed.
    3. If you track a secondary ordination in custom profile fields, click Add Another Ordination and repeat these steps.
    4. Click Next.
  8. On the Additional Info step:
    1. For each destination field, select the matching source field.
    2. The values for the source field and destination field must match in order to move the data. If the values do not match, a warning message displays. Relabel and/or combine the values to match as needed.
    3. If you track a secondary license in custom profile fields, click Add Another Minister's License and repeat these steps.
    4. Click Next.
  9. On the Review step, check all the source and destination fields you selected to ensure the data will be moved correctly.
  10. When you're ready, click Move Personnel Data.

Depending on the amount of data being moved, the process can take between 15 and 45 minutes. You can continue working in Realm while the move is in progress. A notification displays on the Tasks page once it's complete. From there, you can view the change log entry to see all the data that was moved and any invalid values that you need to correct.

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