Sync Profiles to Planning Center
You can sync profile information to Planning Center for worship planning and management.
Your Realm data is consistent, and you don't have to enter duplicate information, saving you time. Syncing occurs approximately every two hours, and you can sync up to 50 individuals.
This is a one-way sync, so information from Realm transfers to Planning Center, but changes do not transfer back to Realm. If profile information changes and you update it in Planning Center, you must make those updates in Realm as well.
You can also sync team members and groups with Planning Center.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click
- A list of synced profiles displays, along with the date last synced. To sync additional profiles, click Add to Planning Center, search for the profile you want to add, and click Add.
- Select the profile you want to sync. You can sync up to 50 individuals.
- Click
, then click Sync Now.